Week of February 15th, 2021

 3rd Grade News

Week 22

February 15th - February 21st

Monday, Feb. 15th - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, Feb. 16th - Homework Sheet due today! ½ DAY OF SCHOOL

Wednesday, Feb. 17th -  LATE START, SEL

Thursday, Feb. 18th - Gym

Friday, Feb. 19th - Art

Important Dates

Late Starts: February 17th, 24th

NO SCHOOL - February 15th

½ Day - February 16th

Character Strength:  Humility

This week our Positivity Project (P2) activities will be focused on the character strength, humility. Humility means that you do not seek the spotlight, you let the actions speak for themselves. 

Clorox Wipes Needed

We are in need of more Clorox wipes in our classroom. If you could send some in, that would be great. Thank you!


Things We’re Working on this Week:

Reading: Wrapping up Central Message/Moral of the story with Fables, Folktales, & Myths

Writing: Opinion Writing- Topic: Do you think there should be zoos?

Grammar:  Verbs

Math:  Area and Perimeter

Science: Stormy Skies-Weather and Climate

Technology Support Site for Students and Parents

Our media team has created a resource site for students and families to help them navigate district technology.

Click on the link below to access this resource:

SJPS Student/Parent Digital Handbook


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